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The Ghost Child of Branch

Category: Stories
Posted: January 26, 2012

This is a strange story...but it's true and I'll swear my life on it any day. It happened in the small community called Branch, in Newfoundland. I was in my grandparents home and it was getting late so I decided to go to bed. After awhile I started to fall asleep, but I suddenly felt a chill in the room and I opened my eyes...and there it was a shadow of what appeared to be a small child (I left the light on in the room by a mistake )It wasn't on the wall or anything though, it had shape to it and it was about a foot from the wall. It just stood there, and I seen the head look around every now and then, but to say I was scared beyond belief. I backed into the corner of the room and just stared at it for about 5 minutes...I was to afraid to say anything...after awhile though the shadow just vanished...easy to say that I never got any sleep that night or the next few after. This story is true, and I will always stand by it...Though many people look at you quite strange when you speak of things like this.

Submitted Friday, June 26th, 1998.